Nomadic Update: November 2022 - News & Istanbul!

Hi, it's Patrick here from Planet Patrick.

This is your regular Nomadic Update newsletter. I hope you find ideas that inspire plans for your own travel as well as tips and tricks for those of us thinking of alternative lives beyond the corporate desk. This is life on the road!


Digital Nomad

  • I'm writing today's newsletter from Quarteira in the Algarve district of Portugal. Since the last email, I've spent time in London and in Lisbon. I'm working a corporate contract over the winter as a Digital Nomad. The arrangement allows me to work remotely, plus I get to enjoy some interesting places along the way! I stayed in a co-living building in Lisbon... look out for upcoming videos and blogs about the key cities I visit.


  • My plans for 2022 are well-developed. From Portugal, I move to Seville in Spain, take a short trip to Edinburgh, and spend longer spells in Iceland, Boston MA and Alberta, Canada. The exciting part is working out where 2023 will bring me. I am thinking about films that I want to make and articles that I would like to write. That's helping me shape the continents that I will visit next. I hope to have more to say soon!

New Video

Recently, I released my first flight review in some time, a trip in business class with Turkish Airlines. It's had a lot of interest - check it out if you get time (click below).


  • I am working hard on my main blog ( and think about other ways of 'being' online. The process has allowed me to think about creativity and being a 'content creator'. I enjoy making films and writing articles and often they connect together quite nicely.
  • My plans are to make sure that when I make a film, I try to have a written article that accompanies it. Often more than one if I'm writing a travel guide. I hope you'll enjoy both and see the Planet Patrick blog as a useful travel resource.

Three New Articles

My latest blog articles are about Türkiye and Istanbul.

Click here: Turkish Airlines Flight Report (written version)

Click here: Guide to the Blue Mosque, Istanbul

Click here: Guide to the Basilica Cistern, Istanbul

That's it for this newsletter. I hope you enjoyed our quick catch-up. I'm thinking about how to celebrate passing 2,500 subscribers on YouTube and perhaps I'll do a 'live' video this month - if you follow me on social media, I'll let you know about it there or send a quick follow up newsletter.


Planet Patrick

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Hi, it's Patrick here from Planet Patrick. This is your monthly Nomadic Update newsletter. I hope you find ideas that inspire plans for your own travel as well as tips and tricks for those of us starting alternative lives beyond the corporate desk. This is Life as a Digital Nomad. Over the past couple of years, you signed up for my newsletter over at and I never wrote a single newsletter! That changes now! I hope you will enjoy these monthly updates from the road and that...