
Planet Patrick

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Nomadic Update: November 2022 - News & Istanbul!

Hi, it's Patrick here from Planet Patrick. This is your regular Nomadic Update newsletter. I hope you find ideas that inspire plans for your own travel as well as tips and tricks for those of us thinking of alternative lives beyond the corporate desk. This is life on the road! News Digital Nomad I'm writing today's newsletter from Quarteira in the Algarve district of Portugal. Since the last email, I've spent time in London and in Lisbon. I'm working a corporate contract over the winter as a...

Hi, it's Patrick here from Planet Patrick. This is your monthly Nomadic Update newsletter. I hope you find ideas that inspire plans for your own travel as well as tips and tricks for those of us starting alternative lives beyond the corporate desk. This is Life as a Digital Nomad. Over the past couple of years, you signed up for my newsletter over at and I never wrote a single newsletter! That changes now! I hope you will enjoy these monthly updates from the road and that...